w w w . s t - j o h n 3 .b l o g s p o t . c o m
© original profile st_john3

As you see i'm St. JoHn bUt my reaL name is StEvEn JoHn L. SarOnG .. but my friends use to call me "ben" so its either JoHn or Ben.. call me whatever u want if thats makes u happy..;]



I just LovE bEinG mE, I LovE t0 do wAt I think that can satisfy mE, im n0t pursuing myself t0 aim what I think I Cant handle. But im afraid & hate having failures in my LifE thats whY I want t0 givE my bEts everytimE thErs an opp0rtunity f0r mE t0 d0.


I c0nsidEr th0se pErs0n wh0s true t0 mE and t0 thEir sElvEs a spexal & c0oL pers0ns and hate th0sE wh0 arE n0thinG but phonyS,grEat backstabbers and ann0yinG backfightErs. I d0nt gEt mad just LikE that, If I kn0w im right iLL stand f0r it! SamE as if I did something wr0ng, I kn0w h0w to say s0rry and accept my mistakes and fAiLurEs t0o.


I d0nt mind what 0theRs might say about mE, whether its a p0s. or neg. thE m0st imp0rtant is that I kn0w myself m0rE than any0nE eLsE.


U knew aL0t about mE Im just a simple Boy wh0s LivinG in a simple LifE, c0ntentEd of what I have, m0st of ALL thankful f0r everything. but I cAn cope up with my noisy and crazy friEnds and g0 fL0oow..  (o^_^o)



Thursday, July 30, 2009

CCleaner 2.22.968 Piriform - 3.13MB (Freeware)

CCleaner 2.22.968

Piriform - 3.13MB


CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It
removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and
freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online
activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully
featured registry cleaner. But the best part is that it's fast (normally
taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware! :)

Cleans the following:

  • Internet Explorer

  • Firefox

  • Google Chrome

  • Opera

  • Safari

  • Windows - Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log

  • Registry cleaner

  • Third-party applications

  • 100% Spyware FREE


click here




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